Our Purpose

Ear training is crucial--the ability to play by ear is one of the most valuable skills a musician can have. Commonly referred to as "relative pitch," this skill allows you to more easily reproduce your own ideas, play your favorite tunes without searching for sheet music or tabs, improvise, and be able to smoothly jam with others. We have great news: your ear is absolutely trainable! No matter your skill level, Maestro Pitch will enhance your ability to hear and understand music. This app will train your ear to the next level, teach you foundational musical concepts, and improve your fluency with your instrument along the way. You may not always be with your instrument, but with this app in your pocket you can improve your musicianship skills at any time.

The idea behind the app is to help musicians reach new horizons with their playing. Maestro Pitch was developed to help musicians' expand their ability to express themselves, bringing better music into our world. This app is something like a music school, only more affordable, more accessible, and just one big game. Maestro Pitch goes above and beyond other ear training apps by fully explaining music's fundamental concepts, connecting them to your instrument, and seeking to make ear training a more musical and enjoyable activity with various instrument tones and games.

Maestro Pitch strives to help musicians of all kinds by improving musical skills and knowledge, all in a fun, gamelike context.

Not Your Typical Ear Training App

Beat Your High Scores!

  • Make ear training more like music with access to different instruments and tones!
  • Level up! Maestro Pitch has an intricate leveling system, designed to progressively improve your ear and teach you important musical concepts.
  • Connect music theory to the instrument, making theory more useful and strengthening your instrument fluency.
  • Play seven different game modes, each targeting a different musical skill!
  • Use various customizable settings for each game mode, letting you challenge yourself across all skill levels!
  • Check out Freeplay Mode, where you can play guitar/keyboard and select scales to display!
  • Free to play!

Compatible with Mac and iPhone/iPad iOS 16.0+.

Better Understand and Create Music

App Preview

Get Pro

Unlock the pro version to maximize your musicianship training. With Pro you will get complete access to all features of the app, including:

  • Gain the ability to level up through all levels, learning music along the way
  • Access the complete inventory of instruments and tones
  • Melodically dictate up to 4 notes, improving your aural recall and instrument fluency
  • Master interval recall with the Sight Singing Mode on Interval Singing
  • Play with and visualize all the different scales using Freeplay Mode's scale display

Check it out now on the App Store!